GSM based home automation, project allows you to control electrical appliances using your mobile phone SMS. It consists of ATmega8 microcontroller, SIM300 GSM modem, Relays.
Step 4: Test the code and Hardware
1. Send SMS "(FNNF)" to circuit, you should observe the relay operation.
2. Send SMS "(G)" and you should get status reply.
3. Follow us on Google+
4. You Did it Yourself
5. Refer Tutorials from this site for more understanding of code and Circuits
There are many Home Automation Systems available in our market. Most of these are simple home appliances controlling systems like DTMF controlled home Appliances, IR Remote based home appliances controlling, RF based home appliances controlling. we are going to discuss about GSM based Home/Office Appliances Control (Home Automation System).
1. Control your home electrical appliances
2. Send Simple "(FNNN)" SMS from your phone to control your devices.
3. You can get current status by sending "(S)" message to it.
4. Uses Standard GSM Modem.
5. Low Cost.
1. Control your home electrical appliances
2. Send Simple "(FNNN)" SMS from your phone to control your devices.
3. You can get current status by sending "(S)" message to it.
4. Uses Standard GSM Modem.
5. Low Cost.
Step 1: Components Required
1. Atmega 8 Microcontroller
2. Relays
1. Atmega 8 Microcontroller
2. Relays
3. ULN2003
4. LM7805
5. BC548
6. 1K Ohm Resistors
7. GSM Modem (SIM300 or SIM900)
4. LM7805
5. BC548
6. 1K Ohm Resistors
7. GSM Modem (SIM300 or SIM900)
8. Buzzer
Step 2: Circuit Design and PCB Manufacturing
Download Requires Files
1. Download pdf Complete Circuit Diagram
Download Requires Files
1. Download pdf Complete Circuit Diagram
2. Download pdf PCB Layout
Step 3: Programming the controller
Download Hex File
Download Hex File
AVR Studio C Code
#include <avr/io.h> #include <string.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> //Relay Connection #define D0 PC1 #define D1 PC2 #define D2 PC3 #define D3 PC4 //Switches Connection #define S1 PB1 #define S2 PB0 #define S3 PB2 #define S4 PD7 #define S5 PB3 #define S6 PD6 #define S7 PB4 #define S8 PD5 //Declaration unsigned char u8_data; void delay(unsigned int de); void USART_Transmit(char data ); void senddata(char string[16]); void USART_Init(); void USART_Receive(); void change(); void TriggerDelay(unsigned char i); void DeleteAllSMS(); void Command(unsigned char y); void ProcessFifo(); void SendSMS(); void ReadSMS(char SMSnumber); //Serial Data packet //Send-sw1,sw2,sw3,sw4 //Recive-sw1,sw2,sw3,sw4 char a,b,c,d,status,SendStatus,counter,SMSrecived,SMSnumber; unsigned char Fifo[150],RollOut,FifoCnt,FiCnt,Value1[16],Mob[20],i; /*********************************************************************************/ /* Main Routine */ /*********************************************************************************/ int main(void) { delay(100); DDRB = 0b00011111; PORTB = 0b00011111; //Enable internal pullups for switches DDRD = 0b11100010; //Enable internal pullups for switches PORTD = 0b11100000; DDRC = 0b00011110; //Relay port directions status=0x00; SendStatus=0; FifoCnt=0; FiCnt=0; RollOut=0x00; SMSrecived=0; counter=0; //Enable Interrupt GICR=0x40; MCUCR=0x03; USART_Init(); SREG=0x80; delay(100); USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); senddata("ATE0;&W"); //Echo off USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); while(1) { ProcessFifo(); } } /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delay of 1mSec */ /*********************************************************************************/ void delay(unsigned int de) { unsigned int rr,rr1; for (rr=0;rr<de;rr++) { for(rr1=0;rr1<30;rr1++) //395 { asm("nop"); } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /* Send data to USART */ /*********************************************************************************/ void USART_Transmit(char data ) { UDR = data; /* Wait for empty transmit buffer */ while ( !( UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)) ) ; /* Put data into buffer, sends the data */ } /*********************************************************************************/ /* Send Data Serially */ /*********************************************************************************/ void senddata(char string[16]) { int len,count; len = strlen(string); for (count=0;count<len;count++) { USART_Transmit(string[count]); } } /*********************************************************************************/ /* RS232 Intitialize */ /*********************************************************************************/ void USART_Init() { /* Set baud rate */ UBRRH = 0x00; //9600 @ 8MHz UBRRL =103; //Set double speed UCSRA |= (1<<U2X); /* Enable receiver and transmitter */ UCSRB = (1<<RXEN)|(1<<TXEN); /* Set frame format: 8data, 2stop bit */ // UCSRC = (1<<URSEL)|(1<<USBS)|(3<<UCSZ0); //Set interrupt on RX UCSRB |= (1<<RXCIE); } /*********************************************************************************/ /* USART Receive */ /*********************************************************************************/ void USART_Receive() { /* Wait for data to be received */ while ( !(UCSRA & (1<<RXC)) ) ; /* Get and return received data from buffer */ u8_data=UDR; } /*********************************************************************************/ /* RS232 Interrupt */ /*********************************************************************************/ SIGNAL(USART_RXC_vect) { u8_data=UDR; Fifo[FifoCnt]=u8_data; FifoCnt++; if(FifoCnt==150) {FifoCnt=0; RollOut=0x05;} return; } /*********************************************************************************/ /* Delete all SMS from SIM */ /*********************************************************************************/ void DeleteAllSMS() { char i; for(i=1;i<3;i++) { delay(200); if(SMSrecived==0) { senddata("AT+CMGD="); USART_Transmit(i+0x30); USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /* Process Cercular Serial Buffer */ /*********************************************************************************/ void ProcessFifo() { // unsigned char i; //Use circular buffer with fill zero after read to prevent recommand if((FifoCnt>FiCnt) || (RollOut==0x05)) { Command(Fifo[FiCnt]); Fifo[FiCnt]=0x00; FiCnt++; if(FiCnt==150) {FiCnt=0; RollOut=0x00;} } else { delay(100); //Switch 1============================================ if((PINB & 0x02) == 0x02) { PORTC |= (1<<D0); a=1; status=status | 0x10; } if((PINB & 0x01) == 0x01) { PORTC &=~ (1<<D0); a=0; status=status & ~(0x10); } delay(10); //Switch 2============================================ if((PINB & 0x04) == 0x04) { PORTC |= (1<<D1); b=1; status=status | 0x20; } if((PIND & 0x80) == 0x80) { PORTC &=~ (1<<D1); b=0; status=status & ~(0x20); } delay(10); //Switch 3============================================ if((PINB & 0x08) == 0x08) { PORTC |= (1<<D2); c=1; status=status | 0x40; } if((PIND & 0x40) == 0x40) { PORTC &=~ (1<<D2); c=0; status=status & ~(0x40); } delay(10); //Switch 4============================================ if((PINB & 0x10) == 0x10) { PORTC |= (1<<D3); d=1; status=status | 0x80; } if((PIND & 0x20) == 0x20) { PORTC &=~ (1<<D3); d=0; status=status & ~(0x80); } delay(10); } } /*********************************************************************************/ /* Command Decoder */ /*********************************************************************************/ void Command(unsigned char y) { Value1[16]=Value1[15]; Value1[15]=Value1[14]; Value1[14]=Value1[13]; Value1[13]=Value1[12]; Value1[12]=Value1[11]; Value1[11]=Value1[10]; Value1[10]=Value1[9]; Value1[9]=Value1[8]; Value1[8]=Value1[7]; Value1[7]=Value1[6]; Value1[6]=Value1[5]; Value1[5]=Value1[4]; Value1[4]=Value1[3]; Value1[3]=Value1[2]; Value1[2]=Value1[1]; Value1[1]=Value1[0]; Value1[0]=y; //===============SMS Decoder======================== //0D 0A 2B 43 4D 54 49 3A 20 22 53 4D 22 2C 32 0D 0A //SMS Recived if(Value1[0]==0x0A && Value1[1]==0x0D && Value1[5]==0x4D && Value1[6]==0x53) { SMSnumber=Value1[2]; ReadSMS(SMSnumber); } //Validate Number if((Value1[0]==0x22) && (Value1[14]==0x22)) { Mob[1]=Value1[13]; Mob[2]=Value1[12]; Mob[3]=Value1[11]; Mob[4]=Value1[10]; Mob[5]=Value1[9]; Mob[6]=Value1[8]; Mob[7]=Value1[7]; Mob[8]=Value1[6]; Mob[9]=Value1[5]; Mob[10]=Value1[4]; Mob[11]=Value1[3]; Mob[12]=Value1[2]; Mob[13]=Value1[1]; } //Set Control if(Value1[0]==0x29 && Value1[5]==0x28) { //( N N F N ) if(Value1[1]==0x4E) {a=1;} else {a=0;} if(Value1[2]==0x4E) {b=1;} else {b=0;} if(Value1[3]==0x4E) {c=1;} else {c=0;} if(Value1[4]==0x4E) {d=1;} else {d=0;} PORTC &=~(0b00011110); PORTC |= (a<<D0); PORTC |= (b<<D1); PORTC |= (c<<D2); PORTC |= (d<<D3); delay(100); senddata("AT+CMGD="); USART_Transmit(0x31); //SMS number USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); for(i=1;i<=(SMSnumber-0x30);i++) { delay(200); senddata("AT+CMGD="); USART_Transmit(i+0x30); //SMS number USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); } } //Get Status (G) if(Value1[0]==0x29 && Value1[2]==0x28) { SendSMS(); delay(100); senddata("AT+CMGD="); USART_Transmit(0x31); //SMS number USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); for(i=1;i<=(SMSnumber-0x30);i++) { delay(100); senddata("AT+CMGD="); USART_Transmit(i+0x30); //SMS number USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); } } } void SendSMS() { USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); senddata("AT+CMGD=1"); USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); delay(100); senddata("AT+CMGF=1"); USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); delay(100); senddata("AT+CMGW="); USART_Transmit(34); USART_Transmit(Mob[1]); USART_Transmit(Mob[2]); USART_Transmit(Mob[3]); USART_Transmit(Mob[4]); USART_Transmit(Mob[5]); USART_Transmit(Mob[6]); USART_Transmit(Mob[7]); USART_Transmit(Mob[8]); USART_Transmit(Mob[9]); USART_Transmit(Mob[10]); USART_Transmit(Mob[11]); USART_Transmit(Mob[12]); USART_Transmit(Mob[13]); USART_Transmit(34); USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); delay(100); senddata("Device 1:"); if((PORTC & 0x10) == 0x10) {senddata("ON");} else {senddata("OFF");} USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); senddata("Device 2:"); if((PORTC & 0x08) == 0x08) {senddata("ON");} else {senddata("OFF");} USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); senddata("Device 3:"); if((PORTC & 0x04) == 0x04) {senddata("ON");} else {senddata("OFF");} USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); senddata("Device 4:"); if((PORTC & 0x02) == 0x02) {senddata("ON");} else {senddata("OFF");} USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); senddata("----------"); USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); delay(50); USART_Transmit(26); //Cntrl+Z delay(300); delay(300); senddata("AT+CMSS=1"); USART_Transmit(13); USART_Transmit(10); delay(500); } //=================================================================================================== // Read SMS //=================================================================================================== void ReadSMS(char SMSnumber) { delay(100); senddata("AT+CMGR="); USART_Transmit(SMSnumber); //SMS number senddata(",1"); //No change in SMS status USART_Transmit(0x0D); USART_Transmit(0x0A); }
Step 4: Test the code and Hardware
1. Send SMS "(FNNF)" to circuit, you should observe the relay operation.
2. Send SMS "(G)" and you should get status reply.
3. Follow us on Google+
4. You Did it Yourself
5. Refer Tutorials from this site for more understanding of code and Circuits
why do use switch in code??